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Short film & plans for the summer 2021

On 27 May 2021, during our Activist Lunch Break, we around 40 colleagues discussed what staff members in the Mittelbau and MTV expect from the Presidential Board when it comes to using the funds from the “Zukunftsvertrag Studium und Lehre“.
On this occasion, we also watched our short film explaining what the Future Contract is all about:

Many employees of our University feel that the allocation of funds is not transparent enough. There is concern that the distribution of the funds approved from 2021 onwards could take place without the participation of the elected representatives from the status groups Mittelbau(non-professorial teaching) staff and MTV(staff in administration and technology).

In order to have more influence on the issue of permanent positions for permanent tasks, we at Uni Göttingen Unbefristet want this issue to be included in a “Tarifvertrag” (collective wage agreement) that the university, as a foundation university, can negotiate itself with its employees.

In order to be able to negotiate with the presidium, more employees must join a trade union. Together with the unions GEW and Verdi, we are planning a trustee model for the summer of 2021, through which we want to convince at least 1,000 university employees to join a union in order to pave the way for a collective agreement.

Colleagues who did not have the opportunity to attend this week are cordially invited to our next Activist Lunch Break. An invitation will be sent via the newsletter, which can be subscribed to on the main page of this website.

The GT reported about our meeting.