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We stand with our students against Climate Change!

Students occupied the lecture hall ZHG011 in Göttingen on 10/25/2022 to protest the climate policy of Germany and our university.

Here is their statement at the end of the week:

“The occupation has ended for the time being.
Our demands stand! among others:

Decarbonization plan until 2030!
2 new positions in the Green Office!
Publicly communicating the funding problems and creatively seek money!
Responding to the demand of TV Stud and Uni Göttingen Unbefristet!
Support of the labor dispute of the cleaning staff against UMG!
Sustainable, climate-friendly new buildings at UMG!
Photovoltaics on all available roofs!
Climate justice must be addressed in all subjects of study / teaching must be geared towards the necessary social transformation!

The climate crisis shows once again how profit-oriented, colonialist economic activity is destroying the basis of life on this planet. We can and must stop this. We will be back.”

We stand with the students who are rightly demanding that our university not pay just more lip service to sustainability. Another university is possible! Permanent positions for permanent tasks are an important step towards sustainability.