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Protest March on April 15th 16:00 from Central Campus

On Thursday, 15.04.2021 at 16:00, the initiative Uni Göttingen Unbefristet calls on temporary and permanent employees of the university, lecturers, students and sympathisers to gather at the Platz der Göttinger Sieben in front of the SUB.

The action is meant to draw attention to the fact that temporary employment and austerity measures mean farewell, relocation and insecurity for many university employees. We want to make the expiry of positions, which often happens unnoticed during the pandemic, visible and offer all those affected an opportunity for protest and exchange at the beginning of the new semester. In the spirit of a symbolic move, we will walk together from the campus to the train station. So: Bring your suitcase to the campus and let’s set a sign together for redundant positions and against the austerity measures, so that no more suitcases have to be packed involuntarily in the future!

Everything will take place outside and with sufficient distance, in compliance with Corona regulations. Families are very welcome!
Please bring/wear a mask to protect yourself and others!

If you want to show your support in advance, we would be happy if you share our picture with the hashtag #EntfristenstattStreichen via your social networks.

So that we can estimate how many people will come, you can register (anonymously) here: